
Monday, June 22, 2015

Time Waits For No Man

     Maybe I was born in the wrong century. Or maybe I am lucky in the fact that I have been raised to think of picking wild food, hunting, fishing and doing things myself  as commonplace. Most of the people I come in contact with consider me a hippie and nothing could be farther from the truth.
      Foraging, permacultur, self sufficiency  and others are relatively new terms. And it is a crying shame that society has come to the point where it is uncommon for grown adults to know how and when to get something to eat without going  to the grocery store or local fast food joint.
     In the name of "the good life" we have unwittingly chained ourselves to a broken system and cut our own throats. If we could only understand that happiness is not wrapped up in the leather upholstery of a new car, maybe we could see the big picture.
   To break free from this bondage we as a people need to open our eyes to the possibilities. We live in the information age and can find a better way to be comfortable. That is the goal isn't it?  To be comfortable in our homes, our relationships, our health and our future.
     As I begin to see more of the big picture, I realize that it might not be such a bad thing to be the way I am, what ever it is called now. And, I hope I can give you some ideas for your life as I move toward my life goals.

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